
Everyone has clothes in their closet they never wear.  I'll come to your home and help decide what to keep and what to discard.  It helps to have an impartial eye to see what no longer fits your lifestyle, is no longer in fashion, or doesn't fit properly.  Together we'll identify what needs to go, and make a list of what your wardrobe is lacking.

COMPLETE CLOSET OVERHAUL.  Clients tell me how good they feel after I help them make decisions to get rid of the clutter.

COORDINATE FULL OUTFITS.  I'll help you put together outfits including accessories - shoes, belts, socks and ties.

I'LL LEAVE YOU WITH PHOTOGRAPHS OF EACH OUTFIT, so you never have to think about styling yourself again. 

SENTIMENTAL ITEMS.  There are things you'll never wear again - but can't bear to part with because of memories attached.  I'll help you decide where to store them.

SELL OR DONATE DISCARDED ITEMS.  If you have valuable garments you no longer want, I'll help you coordinate resale.  If you discard items of lesser value, I'll suggest a charity to donate.